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Patient Resources
AGS Patient Handouts - ONLINE
Alzheimer's and Dementia For Dummies - ONLINE
Staying Sharp for Dummies - ONLINE
Teaching Slides
GRS Teaching Slides - ONLINE
GNRS Teaching Slides - ONLINE
Caregiver Tips Presentation Kit - ONLINE
How to Use the 2023 AGS Beers Criteria® - ONLINE
AGS Beers Criteria® Teaching Slides - ONLINE
Guidelines, Recommendations & Position Statements
American Geriatrics Society Updated Beers Criteria® for Potentially Inappropriate Medication Use in Older Adults - ONLINE
Guidelines for Improving the Care of Older Adults with Diabetes Mellitus: 2013 Update and Supplemental Information - ONLINE
American Geriatrics Society Consensus Statement: Vitamin D for Prevention of Falls and their Consequences in Older Adults - ONLINE
Guiding Principles for the Care of Older Adults with Multimorbidity: A Stepwise Approach for Clinicians - ONLINE
Updated American Geriatrics Society/British Geriatrics Society Clinical Practice Guideline for Prevention of Falls in Older Persons and Recommendations - ONLINE
Choosing Wisely®: List: Tests and Treatments that Older Patients and Providers Should Question - ONLINE
American Geriatrics Society Clinical Practice Guideline for Postoperative Delirium in Older Adults - ONLINE
Person-Centered Care: A Definition and Essential Elements - ONLINE
American Geriatrics Society White Paper on Healthy Aging - ONLINE
Framework for Decision-making for Older Adults with Multiple Chronic Conditions: Action Steps for the AGS Guiding Principles on the Care of Older Adults with Multimorbidity - ONLINE
AGS Position Statement: Resource Allocation Strategies and Age-Related Considerations in the COVID-19 Era and Beyond - ONLINE
Quality Improvement in Neurology: Dementia Management Quality Measures - ONLINE
Geriatric Emergency Department Guidelines - ONLINE
American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program (ACS NSQIP)/American Geriatrics Society (AGS) Best Practices Guidelines: Optimal Preoperative Assessment of the Geriatric Surgical Patient - ONLINE
American Geriatrics Society Feeding Tubes in Advanced Dementia Position Statement - ONLINE
American Geriatrics Society Care of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Older Adults Position Statement - ONLINE
Optimal Perioperative Management of the Geriatric Patient - ONLINE
American Geriatrics Society Position Statement: Achieving High-Quality Multicultural Geriatric Care - ONLINE
When Women Rise, We All Rise: American Geriatrics Society Position Statement on Achieving Gender Equity in Geriatrics - ONLINE
American Geriatrics Society Position Statement: Making Medical Treatment Decisions for Unrepresented Older Adults - ONLINE
Clinical Tools
Geriatrics Evaluation & Management Tools - ONLINE
Multimorbidity Pocket Card - ONLINE
Face-To-Face or Via Telehealth Video Visit: Scheduling Patient Encounters As COVID-19 Crisis Subsides - ONLINE
AGS Quick Guide to Diabetes Management in Older Adults - ONLINE
From the American Geriatrics Society: The Geriatrics 5Ms Quick Guide - ONLINE
AGS/ADGAP Geriatrics Curriculum for Residency Programs - ONLINE
2023 AGS Beers Criteria® Pocketcard - ONLINE
2023 AGS Beers Criteria® Print Pocketcard - PRINT
2023 AGS Beers Criteria® - PRINT
Lecanemab: What Clinicians Should Know - ONLINE
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society - ONLINE
Geriatric Nursing - ONLINE
Journal of Gerontological Nursing - ONLINE
Geriatrics for Specialty Residents Toolkits
The Geriatrics for Specialty Residents Toolkit - Anesthesiology - ONLINE
The Geriatrics for Specialty Residents Toolkit - General Surgery - ONLINE
The Geriatrics for Specialty Residents Toolkit: Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation - ONLINE
The Geriatrics for Specialty Residents Toolkit: Ophthalmology - ONLINE
The Geriatrics for Specialty Residents Toolkit: Orthopedic Surgery - ONLINE
The Geriatrics for Specialty Residents Toolkit: Otolaryngology - ONLINE
The Geriatrics for Specialty Residents Toolkit: Emergency Medicine - ONLINE
The Geriatrics for Specialty Residents Toolkit: Gynecology-Urology - ONLINE
Books & Online Texts
Geriatric Education for Emergency Medical Services - ONLINE
Assisted Living Nursing: A Manual for Management and Practice - ONLINE
Geriatric Care by Design - ONLINE
Reference Guide to Ethics Domains Relevant to Palliative Care - ONLINE
Clinician's Guide to Assessing and Counseling Older Drivers, 4th Edition - ONLINE
Emergency Medicine and Trauma Specialist's Quick Guide for Assessing and Counseling Older Drivers - ONLINE
Geriatric Medicine Fellowship Program Directors' Guide - ONLINE
Geriatrics Review Syllabus (11th Edition) - ONLINE
GRS11 Self-Assessment Bonus Pack - ONLINE
Geriatric Nursing Review Syllabus: A Core Curriculum in Advanced Practice Geriatric Nursing (7th Edition) - ONLINE
Geriatric Nursing Review Syllabus: A Core Curriculum in Advanced Practice Geriatric Nursing (7th Edition) - PRINT
Geriatrics Cultural Navigator - ONLINE
Geriatrics At Your Fingertips® 2024 - ONLINE
Geriatrics At Your Fingertips® - PRINT
Assisted Living Nursing Syllabus (ALNS) - ONLINE
Mobile Apps
iGeriatrics-Mobile App - ONLINE
AGS Geriatrics Evaluation and Management Tools (GEMS) App - ONLINE
Geriatrics At Your Fingertips® 2024 - Mobile App - ONLINE
Safe Older Drivers - Mobile App - ONLINE
AGS Stickers - Mobile App - ONLINE
GRS11 Mobile App - ONLINE
GRS11 Flashcards App - ONLINE
AGS Beers Criteria® for Potentially Inappropriate Medications for Older Adults Mobile App - ONLINE
ADGAP Fellowship Assessment Toolkit - ONLINE
Multimorbidity Toolkit - ONLINE
Chief Resident Immersion Training Toolkit - ONLINE
AGS Deprescribing Toolkit - ONLINE
Faculty Development Feedback Toolkit - ONLINE
AGS Age-Friendly Resource Library - ONLINE
AGS/ADGAP COVID-19 Educational Toolkit - ONLINE
AGS Cognitive Screening Toolkit - ONLINE
Burnout Resiliency Toolkit - ONLINE
Virtual Interviewing Toolkit - ONLINE
GWEP-CC Age-Friendly Health Systems Case Studies - ONLINE
GWEP-CC Sustainability Case Studies - ONLINE
How to Write a Research Abstract that Will be Accepted for Presentation - ONLINE
AGS-AGING Initiative Webinar: Decision Making for Older Adults with Multiple Chronic Conditions - ONLINE
COVID-19 and Updates to Telehealth - ONLINE
COVID-19 and Financial Relief for Clinicians - ONLINE
Resource Allocation Strategies and Age-Related Considerations in the COVID-19 Era and Beyond - ONLINE
Succeeding in Aging Research During the Pandemic: a Webinar for Research Fellows and Junior Faculty - ONLINE
Summer Leadership Webinar Series for AGS Fellows in Training: Leadership Basics: Situations and Styles of Leadership - ONLINE
Summer Leadership Webinar Series for AGS Fellows in Training: Defining Emotional Intelligence and its Importance in Leadership Development - ONLINE
Practical Solutions Using Telehealth for Older Adults in Community Based and Outpatient Settings - ONLINE
So You’re Applying for a GEMSSTAR: AGS/AFAR ClinSTAR CC/NIA Virtual Workshop with NIA Staff - ONLINE
Racial Bias in 2020: Raising Awareness and Positive Action - ONLINE
The CDC Nursing Home COVID-19 Immunization Initiative: An Amazing Success Story - ONLINE
So you got your study section summary sheet, now what? Tips and Tricks for Reviewing and Responding to Grant Review Comments - ONLINE
So You’re Applying for a GEMSSTAR – Part II - ONLINE
Building a Robust Mentorship Team when Applying for Funding in Aging - ONLINE
Racism in the Workplace - A Reflection on Patient Bias by Frontline Workers - ONLINE
Geriatric Models of Care Collaborative Webinar: QI Outcomes in Rehab Setting and Geriatric Surgery Verification Program - ONLINE
Geriatric Models of Care Collaborative Webinar: CAPABLE Program and LEAP Study - ONLINE
Geriatric Models of Care Collaborative Webinar: Geriatric Home-Based Rehab and Georgia Memory Net - ONLINE
Geriatric Models of Care Collaborative Webinar: Wisconsin Alzheimer's Institute Model to Disseminate Memory Care - ONLINE
Get Your GACA On: Advice from Former GACAs on How to Write a Successful Application - ONLINE
Geriatrics and the Changing Landscape of Healthcare: Webinar #1 - ONLINE
AGS22 Symposia Recording: Vaccination in Older Adults - ONLINE
Geriatrics and the Changing Landscape of Healthcare: Webinar #2 - ONLINE
Geriatrics and the Changing Landscape of Healthcare: Webinar #3 - ONLINE
Geriatric Models of Care Collaborative Webinar: ACE Units in the US and Disseminating a Successful Dementia Care Program - ONLINE
Geriatric Models of Care Collaborative Webinar: Emergency Department based Interdisciplinary Elder Abuse Program - ONLINE
Geriatric Models of Care Collaborative Webinar: Telemedicine Program for Older Cancer Patients and TARGET-EFT Randomized Control Trial - ONLINE
Geriatric Models of Care Collaborative Webinar: The History of GEM - ONLINE
Coding Changes for 2024: Focus on New Codes for Geriatrics - ONLINE
Intersection of Structural Racism and Ageism - ONLINE
Fall Respiratory Virus Season and HHS Education Campaign Risk Less. Do More. - ONLINE
Special Topic Bundles
AGS Advancing Geriatrics in Surgical & Medical Specialties - ONLINE
Special Topic Bundle: Safe Older Drivers - ONLINE
Special Topic Bundle: Telehealth - ONLINE
Special Topic Bundle: COVID-19 - ONLINE
Virtual Patient Cases
Aquifer Geriatrics - ONLINE
AGS Geriatrics Virtual Patient Cases for Surgical and Related Medical Subspecialty Care of Older Adults - ONLINE
Annual Meeting Presentations
GWEP-CC Age-Friendly Health Systems Action Community Virtual Meeting - ONLINE
GWEP-CC Action Community Webinars: 4Ms Case Studies - ONLINE
Geriatrics Literature Update: 2024 - ONLINE
2024 Update on Vaccination Strategies for Older Adults: Understanding the CDC Guidance and Learnings from the AGS Older Adults Vaccine Initiative - ONLINE
Geriatrics Review Syllabus (11th Edition) - ONLINE
Geriatrics Review Syllabus (11th Edition) - ONLINE
Geriatric Nursing Review Syllabus 7: Bundle - ONLINE
Geriatrics At Your Fingertips® 2024(online+print) - ONLINE
Geriatrics At Your Fingertips® 2024(Online+Print+App) - ONLINE
Audio Programs
Geriatrics Review Syllabus, 11th Edition, Audio Companion - AUDIO_CD
Geriatrics Review Syllabus, 11th Edition, Audio Companion - ONLINE
Geriatrics Review Syllabus, 11th Edition, Audio Companion - AUDIO_USB
Online Educational Programs
AGS/ADGAP Leadership Program - ONLINE
AGS/AGING LEARNING Collaborative: Multiple Chronic Conditions Research - ONLINE
AGS Older Adults Vaccine Initiative - ONLINE
AGS CoCare
AGS CoCare
: Ortho - ONLINE
Ageism: Uncovering the Invisible “-ism” - ONLINE
Annual Meeting Presentations
Audio Programs
Books & Online Texts
Clinical Tools
Geriatrics for Specialty Residents Toolkits
Guidelines, Recommendations & Position Statements
Mobile Apps
Online Educational Programs
Patient Resources
Special Topic Bundles
Teaching Slides
Virtual Patient Cases