
Geriatrics Literature Update: 2024

Product Type : Annual Meeting Presentations
Language : English
Publisher :American Geriatrics Society
Year of publication : 2024



The Geriatric Literature Update is always one of the most popular sessions at the AGS Annual Scientific Meeting. The session recording focused on 2023’s most important published papers. Discussion included the significance of findings and application to patient care.

Learning Objectives: (1) identify areas in clinical medicine where new strong evidence has been uncovered that should affect geriatric practice; (2) describe the results of a critical appraisal of this evidence; and (3) discuss clinical advances in caring for older adults from a review of approximately 30 peer-reviewed journals January through December, 2023.

Speakers: Kenneth Covinsky, MD, MPH; Eric W. Widera, MD & Alexander K. Smith, MD, MS, MPH


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