Video case studies have been added to the Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Coordinating Center (GWEP-CC) Age-Friendly Health Systems Case Studies collection.
The AGS is proud to present Coding Changes for 2025: Focus on New Codes for Geriatrics. This webinar is free to all users and includes a number of coding changes of interest for geriatrics health professionals. Hosted by experts in medical coding and payment, this recording will prepare viewers to introduce new codes and other changes into their practice.
The new AGS professional educational resource, Lecanemab: What Clinicians Should Know, now has a companion tool to assist clinicians when considering prescribing lecanemab. Prescribing Lecanemab: An AGS Annotated Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria Checklist is a convenient tool to guide you through the Appropriate Use Criteria inclusion and exclusion tables with AGS annotations when evaluating lecanemab treatment for an individual patient...