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New GWEP-CC Age-Friendly Health Systems Case Studies Now Available!


On behalf of the Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Coordinating Center (GWEP-CC), we are excited to announce 15 new case studies have been published and added to the GWEP-CC Age-Friendly Health Systems Case Studies collection for a total of 27 Case Studies available here

This series was developed by GWEPs and their partners and presents a broad range of cases taking learners through primary care experiences implementing the 4Ms (Mentation, Medications, Mobility, What Matters) of Age-Friendly care into their practices. Case study authors participated in the 2020 and/or the 2023 GWEP-CC Age Friendly Health Systems Action Community. The Institute for Health Care Improvement (IHI) has recognized these practices as an Age-Friendly Health System Participant (Level-1) or Age-Friendly Health System – Committed to Care Excellence (Level-2). These case studies are available to all GCO users.