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Newly updated GRS & GNRS Teaching Slides


The Geriatrics Review Syllabus (GRS) Teaching Slides is a collection of 67 PowerPoint presentations on topics germane to the specialty of geriatrics. The collection has been updated based on the latest Geriatrics Review Syllabus (GRS10).  It includes new information and expanded slides with a comprehensive focus. The slides address a broad range of topics, including principles of geriatrics, care in different settings, clinical syndromes, psychiatry, and diseases and disorders. Suitable for both trainees and seasoned professionals, the GRS Teaching Slides can be used for stand-alone lectures, or to complement teaching materials. Each slide set includes case studies for group discussion in addition to lecture slides with detailed notes.

A two year subscription includes access to all presentations. Download free GRS Teaching Slides sample presentations here on Delirium, the 2019 AGS Beers Criteria, or Physical Activity. 

The AGS is proud to announce that the GNRS Teaching Slides, based on the Geriatric Nursing Review Syllabus, has also been fully updated with new material from the 6th edition. Released in March 2019, these PowerPoint presentations contain the latest knowledge for advanced practice nurses and trainees specializing in older adult care. Each presentation is designed for a 1-hour seminar and includes notes and discussion questions. 

Download a free sample GNRS Teaching Slides presentation on Falls here.